Thursday, April 19, 2001

It all went a bit weird

It all went a bit weird here last night.

To explain, that messageboard is aimed at readers of Liz Castro's book "Perl & CGI for the World Wide Web - A Visual Quickstart Guide". Of all of the "non-programmer" Perl/CGI books, that one is probably the best. It's far from perfect, but the second edition is going to be much better.

I've been hanging around the messageboard for a few weeks now and it's clear that I know far more Perl than the majority of the people there. I've been answering people's problems and gently trying to steer them towards better Perl habits. This has obviously been winding up a couple of the existing "experts" there.

Last night it all got too much an one of them had a bit of a go at me. By trying to defend my actions I only made it worse, leading to this very amusing thread.

Various members waded in and it all got very silly.

Think I'll lie low for a while :)

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